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The problem for both above company is that under the new British corporate governance code, independent directors are tasked with a prime role in appointing executive directors and succession planning. Mr Murdoch is strongly advised that is to meet with them without other directors being present. And appointments to the board should be made on "merit and objective criteria", while pay should be set by an independent-minded remuneration committee. So in this way they resolve major problem. Even if James Murdoch, currently running the Hong-Kong based Star TV, had the spectacular track record of Tony Ball or his predecessor, Sam Chisholm, it might be difficult for the independent directors to appoint him. There has been speculation in the financial press that Mr Murdoch might decide to step down from the chairmanship of BSkyB, but even that is not without its problems as the corporate governance code says new chairmen being appointed should be independents.
This is model for other companies, and it has eight independent directors to seven executives, of whom one is Murdoch. On close examination some of the 'independents' are former recent employees or close associates, such as Ken Cowley, formerly chief of News Corporation's Australian operation and Rod Eddington, currently CEO at British Airways, and formerly boss of Ansett Airlines, once part of the Murdoch empire. Another, Andrew Knight, a director of Rothschild Investment Trust, is a former chief executive of News International in London.
While all three are robust characters, not afraid to speak their minds, they all enjoy a friendly relationship with their former boss. Were they to be appointed after November, their appointments would breach UK governance guidelines, and those of many other countries.
This case study does raise, however, many of the difficulties faced by companies where one individual is dominant, or where there is an element of a family dynasty. While companies like News Corporation may be the exception in the West, they are the norm in Asia and much of the rest of the world. It is difficult to see how regulations could snuff out family businesses; it is perhaps more likely to drive them into delisting, which might also not be in the best interests of shareholders.
新闻集团公司控制的风格:-Corporate Control Style of News Corporation:
After the different deals in more than three years of wrangling over control of DirecTV and provides the apportuniries to Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of News Corporation, with the final component needed to fulfil his long-held ambition of creating a global satellite broadcasting network in world . Under the terms and conditions of the deal, The News Corporation become able to buy more shares of General Motors. Murdoch described that a genuinely exciting and transforming deal for News Corporation. The company has already built significant satellite broadcasting operations in the UK, through BSkyB, as well as in Central and South America with Sky Latin America, and across Asia with StarTV(The Time Magazine, 1996).










