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  铭信留学生代写平台,是一家专业高品质的exam代考、论文代写机构,业务包括:澳洲ENGL代写,英语代写,ENGL网课代修、exam代考、、exam代考,英国ENGL代写,英语代写,ENGL online exam/quiz代考、网课代考、essay代写,北美ENGL代写,英语代写,ENGL代考,ENGL代考,英语exam代考、论文代写....
我一向致力于协助别人,特别是协助那些和我有类似的背景的人。有几个阅历促进了我被社会工作招引。大约4岁的时候,我第一次对社会工作产生了热情。 我的爸爸妈妈都是不适合抚育我和我的兄弟姐妹的,因而导致咱们被寄养。 四岁的我并不知道,那一天的阅历会引导着我在人生道路上成为一个有助于社会的工作者。 在寄养期间,我遇到了一些惊人的社会工作者,他们的工作逾越了责任的要求。 我所以为的社会工作者是有才华、重承诺和肯尽力的。随着我长大,我对社会工作的爱好越来越大。我开始问我所崇拜的社会工作者怎么成为一名优异的社会工作者。他们用许多话解说说,我有必要在校园体现良好并去上大学。 在大学时,我主修社会工作领域或与此领域密切相关的专业。 我崇拜的社会工作者使我第一次了解到什么是社会工作者和社会工作者需求做什么。事实上,我的社会工作者致力于我的福祉,并使我发挥悉数潜力,这表明他们对我的关怀,以及他们良好的品德。 其次,社会工作是根据三个前提的,非常简单,首先,人或集体是很重要的。其次,该人或集体可能会有有一个问题,这些问题出于许多不同的因素,而且最终能找到一个处理方案,以协助处理这些问题,使人或团体可以过上更好的日子。最终,是社会工作者在社会工作领域中的一系列时机。一些社会工作者可以在医院、校园、社区卫生机构和国际组织中找到他们名字。我的关于他们给我的常识同享以及鼓励我实现成为一名社会工作者的个人目标给予很高的评价。
什么影响挑选社会工作作为一种职业人或工作或日子阅历指导吗?我并没有总是像今天的我那样坚强自信。我的责任人是我以外的社会工作者,独立日子协调员。他们在我研讨社会工作和成为一名社会工作者傍边中发挥巨大的效果。有时候我常常会想,假如现在没有我的社会工作者的参加,我的日子又会多么不同。 我从社会工作者学到了很多东西,比如怎么成为富有同情心和爱心对待别人的人,怎么设树立与到达我的目标,以及怎么成为一个尽力工作的人。
What Attracts People To Do Social Work 
I have always been deeply committed to helping others, especially helping those who come from similar backgrounds such as mine. Several experiences have stimulated my attraction to the field of social work. The first step towards my passion to study social work was formed when I was about four. My parents were unfit to raise my siblings and me, which consequently led to foster care. At age four I had no idea that day would lead me on the path of becoming an effective agent for social work. While in foster care, I met some amazing social workers who went beyond the call of duty. My social workers were talented, committed, and hard working. As I became older, my interest in social work grew. I started asking my social workers how do I become a social worker. In so many words, they explained that I have to do well in school, and go to college. While in college, I can major in the field of social work or closely related field. My social workers were my first insight .to what a social worker is and what a social worker does. The fact that my social workers were committed to my well-being and pushed me to my full potentials demonstrated their concern for me as well as their ethical commitment. Secondly, are the three premises on which social work is based on. Which are very straightforward. First is that the person or group is important. The person or group has a problem that may arise from many different factors, and lastly finding a solution to help solve those problems so that person or group can live a better life. Finally, is the range of opportunities for a social worker in the field of social work. Social workers can be found in hospital, schools, community health agencies, and international organizations just to name a few. I give my social workers credit for the knowledge they have shared with me as well as encouraging me to reach my personal goals to become a social worker.










