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  铭信留学生代写平台,是一家专业高品质的exam代考、论文代写机构,业务包括:加拿大exam代考、论文代写加拿大online exam/quiz代考、网课代考、essay代写,加拿大网课代上,网课代修、exam代考、、exam代考加拿大留学代写、加拿大作业、加拿大代写价格/加拿大代考-网课代修、exam代考、、exam代考代上、加拿大代写、加拿大作业代写等。100%准时交付,接受12小时急单。
加拿大online exam/quiz代考、网课代考、essay代写,加拿大网课代上,网课代修、exam代考、、exam代考
  留学生们要记住,句子越长越好,也不是越短越好。那么如何判定你是否犯了句子冗长(Wordy Sentence的错误呢?任何长句可以修改为短句而你却依然使用长句,那么你就是犯了“句子冗长”的毛病。大家会问,出现这个问题应该怎么办呢?下文中铭信就告诉大家几个方法,以此来避免在加拿大Essay写作中出现句子冗长的问题。
  1.去除不必要的词(Eliminate redundacies)
  Daniel is now employed at a personal rehabilitation center working as a registered physiotherapist.
  修改之后:Daniel works at a personal rehabilitation center as a registered physiotherapist.Sylvia very hurriedly scribbled her name,address,and telephone number on a greasy napkin.
  修改之后:Sylvia scribbled her name,address,and telephone number on a greasy napkin.因为scribble就有“匆忙”的意思。
  2.避免没有必要的重复(Avoid unnecessary repetition of words)Our fifth patient,in room six,may be a unsound patient.
  修改之后:Our fifth patient,in room six,is unsound.A study by the Henry J.Kaiser Family Foundation(2004)studied the consequences of diet and exercise on childhood obesity.
  修改之后:A study by the Henry J.Kaiser Family Foundation(2004)measured the consequences of diet and exercise on childhood obesity.
  3.空洞的词组不要用(Cut empty or inflated phrases)
  We are unable to supply funding at now in time.
  修改之后:We are unable to supply funding now.online exam/quiz代考、网课代考、essay代写以下总结了大家非常喜欢用的空洞的词组(为了凑字数,左边红色的),但其实是可以选择更加简洁漂亮的词组或者单词的(右边黑色的),希望大家在paper写作的时候要注意。
  along the lines of like as a matter of fact actually at all times always at this time now,currently at now in time now,currently because of the very fact that because by means of by by virtue of the very fact that because due to the very fact that because for the aim of for for the rationale that because have the power to be ready to,can in light of the very fact that because in order to to in spite of the very fact that although,though in the event that if in the end finally in the nature of like in the neighborhood of about until such time as until
  4.精简句型(Simplify the structure)如果句型不够直接,说话拐弯抹角,就要注意想想能不能换一种更加直接的结构,还要注意可不可以强化动词,大家看看下面的句子怎么修改。
  The securities analyst claimed that due to volatile market conditions she couldn't make an estimate of the company’s future profits.
  修改之后:The securities analyst claimed that due to volatile market conditions she couldn't estimate the company’s future profits.Investigators were involved in examining the effect of serious music on unborn babies.
  修改之后:Investigators examined the effect of serious music on unborn babies.There is another module that tells the story of Darwin and introduces the idea of evolution.
  修改之后:Another module tells the story of Darwin and introduces the idea of evolution.能不用there be句型就不要用。
  5.从句变短语,短语变单词We took a side trip to Monticello,which was the house of Jefferson.
  修改之后:We took a side trip to Monticello,the house of Jefferson.非限定性定语从句变成了同位语短语。In the essay that follows,I argue against Immanuel Kant’s claim that we should always not lie under any circumstances,which may be a problematic assertion.
  修改之后:In this essay,I argue against Immanuel Kant’s problematic claim that we should always not lie under any circumstances.
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