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  本文是美国代考、留学生代写exam代考、论文代写范文:旅游业的影响Research Paper:Impacts of Tourism,主要内容是分析当前经济环境下,关于旅游业的发展状况,以及旅游业对经济产生的影响。

  Tourism has always been one of the most attractive and interesting kinds of time spending for millions of people.Tourism,as an industry,is very profitable and is considered an economical savior for the countries,especially for those,which are not so strong from the point of view of industry and economic development,but are very attractive by their historical places and rich architecture.The tourism,especially the nature tourism,brings not only economic value;it is also rather dangerous ecologically,because tourism influence ecology of the countries in the negative way.The present paper is devoted to the discussion of the environmental impacts of tourism and contains discussion of economic benefits of tourism compared to its ecological impacts.
  From an environmental point of view,tourism is one of the forms of nature usage.Tourism development requires an involvement of human activity in the natural resources.This produces a special kind of landscape-recreational.In many developed countries,areas used for recreation and tourism,are on the third place after the area of agricultural and forest lands.Rapid growth of the global tourism industry and its large economic benefits makes recreational use of land and promising ability to successfully compete and displace other uses.
  Nature and territories of attention of tourists are vulnerable and fragile,and recreational resources are finite,they are irreplaceable and have limited opportunities.Their spontaneous and irrational usage creates a number of environmental problems in areas of intensive tourism development,both in industrialized countries and in developing countries.
  For example,Mykonos Island in Greece is a famous tourist resort,during the last 30 years,that has rapidly developed.Together with the development of the tourism industry(accommodation,bars,etc.),the island's population has also increased,in contrast to other Greek islands,where the population has recently decreased.The main reason for the increase of the island population was the development of infrastructure(construction of ports,expansion of the network of roads,dykes,etc.).It also allowed more tourists and visitors to visit the island,leading to the gaps in such problems as traffic jams,lack of parking,increased crime,and pollution of water and land resources,especially in high season.At the same time,intensive construction,tourism and infrastructure development"absorbed"most of the island,and led to the loss of farmland.Uncontrolled and rapid development of tourism has led to a complete change of two traditional villages of the island,which were merged with the newly constructed villages,and turned into a large-scale residential areas,leading to degradation of the environment,local culture and changes in the socioeconomic structure(Mathieson and Wall,2002)
  The size of the negative impacts of tourism,which the economy of many countries is currently experiencing today,is huge and many countries do not have sufficient technical and financial capacity to replenish the resources used by tourists and for the disposal of their waste.Negative impacts of tourism on the environment,which has recently been underestimated,are now becoming an object of close attention of the international community.Such effects are varied and numerous:pollution of natural objects;consumption of natural resources;development of land;degradation of natural landscapes,threats to wildlife and habitats,with consequent loss of biodiversity,finally,the breakdown of local customs and social structures.










