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  The Bang Candy’s Company’Client Guide Memo
  本文是关于Band Candy’s公司的营销备忘录,有我们铭信代写Essay原创完成,属于市场营销范畴,主要是通过新媒体、自媒体等数字化平台进行曝光和推广。帮助Bang candy公司宣传产品。
  When posting something on Facebook,limit the text content.Few people tent to read long articles.Sometimes,just several adjective words would be enough to demonstrate your purpose.Besides,make use of colorful pictures and videos.Think about television advertisements.People watch television and read Facebook for the same reason:to relax themselves from work and study.So try to set up a voice that your products represent an enjoyable time,or try to associate your product with their past happy experience.Here are two examples:You are trying to advertise your new products specifically designed for Thanksgiving.Simply put together words“families”,“friends”,“sweet memories”,“appreciation”,with a picture of a group of people sharing your products and enjoy the get-together.
  If a Facebook user follows the company’s official account,you can send him/her a message which might include the following content:
  1.Give a warm welcome and show your appreciation to their attention to The Bang Candy’s Company.Remember that those who intend to follow you on Facebook are in general returning customers of your products.
  热烈欢迎并对他们对Bang Candy公司的关注表示感谢。请记住,那些打算在Facebook上关注您的人通常会回复您的产品客户。
  2.Introduce your company.This might include a brief summary of your company’s history,your organization culture,your belief in delivering authentic products to customers,and your mission of making contribution to the society as an enterprise who demonstrates responsibility.You might also write a section showing how your employee enjoy working for you,and also encourage collage graduates to apply for open positions by browsing your website.
  3.Encourage them to register an account on your official website.Provide the registering link directly in the message,and also try to make the registering process straight forward.Use words such as“VIP”to make people feel being respected.The first-time customer will receive a coupon for their first purchase of The Bang Candy’s Company’s product.Ideally,this coupon can be applied to your official website online shopping,in store,or even on Amazon.
  鼓励他们在您的官方网站上注册一个帐户。直接在消息中提供注册链接,并尝试直接进行注册过程。使用诸如“VIP”之类的词语让人们感到受到尊重。首次购买The Bang Candy公司产品的客户将获得优惠券。理想情况下,此优惠券可以应用于您的官方网站在线购物,商店,甚至亚马逊。
  Even though you might be able to get your follower’s email address on Facebook,be very careful when sending advertising emails to followers’mailbox.First of all,few of them will even take a look before throw them to trash;second,if customers feel that you are sending too many advertisement,they will either unsubscribe from your mailing list,or end up with a uncomfortable feeling about The Bang Candy’s Company as well as your products.
  即使您可以在Facebook上获取关注者的电子邮件地址,但在向关注者的邮箱发送广告电子邮件时要非常小心。首先他们中的很少人甚至会把它们扔到垃圾桶之前看一看;其次如果客户认为您发送了太多广告,他们将取消订阅您的邮件列表,或最终对The Bang Candy公司以及您的产品感到不舒服。
  If somebody say something positive about The Bang Candy’s Company’s product,say“Thank you”as soon as you notice that post.People usually feel good when they get attention on social media,or then feel they are respected because of their consumption.Try to expand the circle when you express your appreciation,so that other followers can see.This night be a good way to improve your interaction with customers,and eventually set up your social voice.
  如果有人对Bang Candy公司的产品说了些积极向上的话,请在发现该帖后立即说“谢谢”。当人们在社交媒体上受到关注时,他们通常会感觉良好,或者因为他们的消费而感到受到尊重。当你表达赞赏时尝试扩大圈子,以便其他粉丝可以看到。这是是改善与客户互动的好方法,并最终建立您的社交圈子。
  If you notice a negative post about The Bang Candy’s Company’s product on Facebook,try to connect the user in person before commenting publicly under their post.You should apologize for their unhappy user experience about your products.If the customer appears to be willing to continue the conversation,you might express your concern about what they are upset about and how do they come up with such feelings.Though it might not be completely your fault,however you should remember the old saying that customers are always right.Try to understand their specific situations and make them up.After fixing the problem,you might ask the customer whether they could either delete their negative comments about The Bang Candy,or you could turn over the situation by commenting under their post to show your authentic altitude.
  如果您在Facebook上发现有关Bang Candy公司产品的负面帖子,请尝试亲自联系用户,然后在其帖子下公开评论。您应该为他们对您的产品不满意的用户体验道歉。如果客户似乎愿意继续谈话,您可能会表达您对他们感到不安的担忧以及他们如何提出这种感受,虽然这可能不完全是你的错,但你应该记住客户永远是对的老话。尝试了解他们的具体情况并进行补充。解决问题后,您可能会问客户是否可以删除他们对The Bang Candy的负面评论,或者您可以通过在帖子下发表评论以显示您的真实高度来解决问题。










